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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

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23 Visitor Reactions & Comments:


hi sir can you tell me how i can get data using ftp in cmd.
how i can chat with gtalk users in cmd mode.


get - to copy one file from the remote machine to the local machine

get ABC DEF - copies file ABC in the current remote directory to (or on top of) a file named DEF in your current local directory.

get ABC - copies file ABC in the current remote directory to (or on top of) a file with the same name, ABC, in your current local directory.

put - to copy one file from the local machine to the remote machine


Regarding Googlr, I will recommend you

Rishabh dangwal said...

Thanks Sir :) Folks @ PTU contacted me & their admin met me personally.They are planning 2 make transition 2 opensource. All due to you and Samandeep.

Best Regards


Waoooo thats nice..

But who is this Samandeep....CHAMP..


well ..
I m SaMan deep...

what else i can say!


Hi Saman,

Would u like to join me on

Post you articles on my site and get more visibility.

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Wat u say man..

Te tu DOABA wala ladgaa...

Tamal K said...

hello sir this is Tamal, I'm a technical person from westbengal and i work for quick heal.I have using your gmail hacking software,its pretty cool. how can u do this?u r really a genius. Sir can you gave me a unique software bh which I can crack any software validation; Thanks in advance.


@ Tamal

Use SoftICE

Tamal K said...

Amarjit I am trying to download SoftIce,and want to work on it. Amarjit do u have any idea about Spook? Spook is a data encripted software,by which anyone can wipe any sensitive data beyond recovery.One of my client claim that he can recover wiped data.but I personaly and the principle company tested saveral times its compatibility. And as our result Spook is 100% secure.would u personal test it? I have to prove my client.


@ Tamal.

I will try..but not sure.

Tamal said...

Amarjit, i have faced a problem today,one of my customer have a pc with windows xp operating system.his dektop icons going invisible after every restart of pc.he manualy tried to create shortcut of every icons.but after restarting i'ts again going invisible. by the way he is using quick heal total security 2010,i have checked malwares.what should i do?? can u help me


In this case he best option is formating and reinstall fresh operating system.

Seems the AV is not detecting virus OR AV already got corrupted.


Amarjit,I want to make some applications portable,what 3rd party application i have to use??? and also i want to use it from life windows which boot from usb pen drive. Which software is used to create bootable usb.plz help


@ Tamal_Millenniu007

What is "life windows" ??


Sorry Amarjit,this was typing mistake,it is "Live Windows" not life windows.


Will post an article on this soon..

Just wait and watch

Anonymous said...

I have a question, one of my client have dual operating system,both are windows xp sp2. he has a single user licensed software,he want to use it both the operating system. Is it possible to access the software from both the operating system. please help


Didn't get you. Pls explain properly.

Mention your name

Satyajit said...

i have added your link in my blog....plzz do a favour to add mine...u got a nice page...happy blogging :-)



You are added

Tamal said...

Amarjeet, can u tell from where i can download Sniperspy with serial/crack for free?? Or if its not possible then, what is the best substitute for this key logger??? Please help


I have posted so may keyloggers with key.

Download it and use.

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