Password guessing attacks can be carried out manually or via automated tools.
Password guessing can be performed against all types of Web Authentication
Attack Methods |
Often Web sites advise users to choose memorable passwords such as birthdays, names of friends or family, or social security numbers. This is extremely poor advice, as such passwords are easily guessed by an attacker who knows the user. The most common way an attacker will try to obtain a password is through the dictionary attack'. In a dictionary attack, the attacker takes a dictionary of words and names, and tries each one to see if it is the require password. This can be automated with programs which can guess hundreds or thousands of words per second. This makes it easy for attackers to try variations: word backwards, different capitalization, adding a digit to the end, and popular passwords.
WebCracker is a simple tool that takes text lists of usernames and passwords and uses them as dictionaries to implement Basic authentication password guessing.
lt keys on "HTTP 302 Object Moved" response to indicate successful guess.
lt will find all successful guesses given in a username/password.
Webcracker allows the user to test a restricted-access website by testing id and password combinations on the web site.This program exploits a rather large hole in web site authentication methods. Password protected websites may be easily brute-force hacked, if there is no set limit on the number of times an incorrect password or User ID can be tried.WebCracker is a simple tool that takes text lists of usernames and passwords and uses them as dictionaries to implement Basic authentication password guessing.
It keys on "HTTP 302 Object Moved" response to indicate successful guess.
It will find all successful username/password given in the list.
Brutus is a generic password guessing tool that cracks various authentication.
Brutus can perform both dictionary attacks and brute-force attacks where passwords are randomly generated from a given character.
Brutus can crack the following authentication types:
HTTP (Basic authentication, HTML Form/CGI); POP3; FTP; SMB; Telnet
Brutus is an online or remote password cracker. More specifically it is a remote interactive authentication agent. Brutus is used to recover valid access tokens (usually a username and password) for a given target system. Examples of a supported target system might be an FTP server, a password protected web page, a router console a POP3 server etc. It is used primarily in two ways:
ObiWan is a powerful Web password cracking tool. It can work through a proxy.
ObiWan uses wordlists and alternations of numeric or alpha-numeric characters as possible as passwords.
Since Webservers allow unlimited requests it is a question of time and bandwidth to break into a server system.
ObiWaN stands for "Operation burning insecure Web server against Netscape". It is called Project 2086 now, after 2068 the number of the RFC which describes the HTTP/1.1 protocol. 11.1 is the section which describes the basic authentication scheme. This is the mostly used authentication scheme for web server and used by ObiWaN.
./ObiWaN -h intranet -a eccouncil -w list.txt
./ObiWaN -h intranet -a eccouncil -w list.txt -A 2
./ObiWaN -h intranet -a eccouncil -w list.txt -b 6 -B 8
Munga Bunga's HTTP Brute Forcer is a utility utilizing the HTTP protocol to brute force into any login mechanism/system that requires a username and password, on a web page (or HTML form). To recap - A password usually only contains letters. In such a case the quantity of characters in a charset is 26 or 52, depending on usage of registers - both of them or just one. Some systems (Windows, for example) don't make any difference between lower-case and uppercase letters. With an 8-characters' long password the difference would amount to 256 times, which is really significant.
Refiner is used to generate a wordlist containing all possible combinations of a partial password, which an attacker may have obtained by other means. Refiner will then generate a text file containing all possible combinations.
WeirdWordz allows the user to just select an input file and as an output file, makes all sorts of combinations of the lines/words in the input file.
Raptor 1.4.6 - creates words using many different filters from html files to create a wordlist.
PASS-PARSE V1.2 - Pass-parse will take any file and turn all the words into a standard type password list, while stripping anything that's not alphanumeric. The main idea behind it is that while trying to crack the password of a personal website, the password may appear on the site when the person describes their interests. This will parse through an html file and create a list of words from that page to try as passwords.