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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Life Care Foundation: A Registered N.G.O dedicated in the field of stress management and drug de-addiction

I am posting this article because I appreciate such activities. Also recommend the book Tit for tat to treat for tat to all of you guys.
Life Care Foundation (L.C.F) is a registered N.G.O. being run by a group of Doctors, Engineers and other intellectuals dedicated in the field of stress management and drug de addiction which are two burning issues of Punjab. We at the L.C.F conduct workshops, seminars and training programmers in the field of stress management along with publishing books on personal excellence. Establishing knowledge bank of N.R.I's of Punjab is our dream endeavor.

L.C.F. is running following programmes
  • Knowledge Bank
  • Workshops
> Inside Out
> Edge
> Life Positive
  • It consists of:
> Inside Out
> Personality Ethics
> Different Stress Management Therapies.
  • De-addiction Programme
> Punarjanam
If you are a Doctor, Engineer, Scientist, Architect, Teacher or expert in any other field and you want to share your expertise & knowledge with Universities, Colleges, Govt. Authorities, general public and business houses based mainly in Punjab and its surrounding we will facilitate your interaction with concerned organizations.

Come and join 'Edge' - "Success is all about attitude"

If you believe in it then don't miss the golden opportunity to get the 'Edge' - An Attitudinal training Program for the youngsters. Life Care Foundation, a Regd. N.G.O; has specially designed this certified program in association with Rotary International for helping you to have confidence and clarity of mind to define the right definition of your Goals, Success and Happiness. Come and join 'Edge' to have an edge over others.

INSIDE-OUT program will help you to develop positive qualities

Life has very beautiful things to offer, but very few of us really enjoy these things. These beautiful things don't come in attractive packages, rather these are always around us, inside us, but we lack the vision to feel these beautiful things. And these are the things responsible for our happiness, success and attitude.

All of us want to have a more fulfilling life. We all long for a more successful career, deeper and meaningful relationships, a healthy and more robust body and above all a life without negative stress and strains. Some time you must be wondering, why few people remain always happy, always with a smiling face, always attracting others and make you envy of them. It is not that they don't have any worries and problems in their life. INSIDE-OUT is that specially designed program which will help you to develop all these positive qualities.

It is possible to bring one's dormant potential to the surface. Attitudinal skill i.e. human relations, adjustable at home and office level, decision making, time management, creativity etc.

This course is a compendium of useful advice on the art of living. It is packed with practical information on everything ranging from overcoming stress, strain and worries, raising children in the right way, to getting closer to your family. This course encloses every dimension of the human personality including you as a person.

De-addiction Programme - Punarjanam

Is a programme of deaddiction by the Counseling, Meditation, Yoga, Panchkarma and Ayurvedic Medicines to bring our youth back to real life of happiness and productivity.

Our official website is:

Reach Us: &

Other posts related to Life Care Foundation:

Pls leave a comment here with your email id and we will get back to you.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Microsoft warns of major Patch Tuesday update | Latest security patch covers 25 flaws, five rated 'critical'

Microsoft has released its advanced notification for April's Patch Tuesday update, which will address 25 problems in 11 security bulletins.

Five of the vulnerabilities are rated 'critical', and apply to enterprise applications including Microsoft Office and Exchange. Affected operating systems include Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 2003, 2008 and Windows 7.

The critical flaws could allow a remote attacker to take control of a machine, install malicious software, or contribute to a denial-of-service attack.

Alan Bentley, vice president at security firm Lumension, urged IT departments to prepare for the patches well in advance.

"IT departments will have to address and patch almost every endpoint in the organisation, including servers, laptops and desktops," he said.

"They should plan ahead as to how they are going to test and then deploy these patches with minimal interruptions to employee productivity."

Wolfgang Kandek, chief technology officer at vulnerability management firm Qualys, agreed that this month's large security update will keep system administrators busy.

"An attacker can use these vulnerabilities to remotely execute code on the victim's machine, and they should be addressed as quickly as possible," he said.

However, Kandek added that Windows 7 has been left relatively unpatched, suggesting that it is a more secure platform that previous releases.

"Windows 7 has fewer critical updates to install than the older operating system versions, an indication that the newer version of Windows is more robust and secure out of the box," he said.

Many of the fixes require a system restart, according to Microsoft, and just one earns the lowly rating of 'moderate'.

One of the problems likely to be patched is the F1 key issue reported earlier this year that affects Internet Explorer.

The OR operator, represented by the pipe symbol ( | ) or simply the word OR in uppercase letters, instructs Google to locate either one term or another in a query. Although this seems fairly straightforward when considering a simple query such as hacker or “evil cybercriminal,” things can get terribly confusing when you string together a bunch of ANDs and ORs and NOTs.

Let’s take a look at a very complex example.

intext:password | passcode intext:username | userid | user filetype:csv

This example uses advanced operators combined with the OR Boolean to create a query that reads like a sentence written as a polite request.The request asked of Google would read, “Locate all pages that have either password or passcode in the text of the document. From those pages, show me only the pages that contain either the words username, userid, or user in the text of the document. From those pages, only show me documents that are CSV files.” Google doesn’t get confused by the fact that technically those OR symbols break up the query into all sorts of possible interpretations. Google isn’t bothered by the fact that from an algebraic standpoint, your query is syntactically wrong. For the purposes of learning how to create queries, all we need to remember is that Google read our query from left to right.

The previous query can also be submitted as

intext:(password | passcode) intext:(username | userid | user) filetype:csv

This query is infinitely more readable for us humans.

Google queries are not case sensitive: Google doesn’t care if you type your query in lowercase letters (hackers), uppercase (HACKERS), camel case (hAcKeR), or psycho-case (haCKeR)—the word is always regarded the same way.This is especially important when you’researching things like source code listings, when the case of the term carries a great deal of meaning for the programmer.The one notable exception is the word or. When used as the Boolean operator, or must be written in uppercase, as OR.
Google wildcards: Google’s concept of wildcards is not the same as a programmer’s concept of wildcards. Most consider wildcards to be either a symbolic representation of any single letter (UNIX fans may think of the question mark) or any series of letters represented by an asterisk. This type of technique is called stemming. Google’s wildcard, the asterisk
(*), represents nothing more than a single word in a search phrase. Using an asterisk at the beginning or end of a word will not provide you any more hits than using the word by itself.
Google reserves the right to ignore you: Google ignores certain common words, characters, and single digits in a search.These are sometimes called stop words. When Google ignores any of your search terms, you will be notified on the results page, just below the query box. Some common stop words include who, where, what, the, a, or an. Curiously enough, the logic for word exclusion can vary from search to search.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Learn How to Create your own SMS channel on Google to update you latest posts through SMS

Step 1: Open this link on your browser

Step 2: Before subscribing to or creating an SMS Channel, you need to select a nickname and verify your mobile number.
Step 3: Give you nick name and mobile number and click on "send verification code". You will receive an SMS with verification code. Enter verification code and click on finish setup.

Step 4: To subscribe available channels, click on subscribe button.
Step 5: To Create your own channel and to alert your friends in real time through SMS . You can create your own channel(s) to receive regular alerts over SMS on specific topics that interest you. You can also invite others to subscribe to your channel(s). You can use your channel(s) as a discussion group as well, allowing other people to post messages.
Step 6: After filling all the information, click on create channel

I have created 3 channels for my 3 blogs as cited below:

Learn Free Ethical Hacking:

Venturous Bikers:

Change & Stress Management:

How To Get Free Backlinks from EDU and GOV sites

In the cyber world, reputation of EDU and GOV domains are quite good and so the backlinks also worth a lot. To get a backlink from such domains are more valuable as compare to any other domain. To get free backlinks the first step is to find blogs and forums on edu or gov sites.

To find an edu blog, search the below team in Google: inurl:blog "post a comment

To find an gov blog, search the below team in Google: inurl:blog "post a comment

To find an edu forum, search the below team in Google: inurl:forum "post a comment

To find an gov forum, search the below team in Google: inurl:forum "post a comment

Now the next step is to get a backlinks. For this all you have to do is post a comment on the blog and forum. This is quite tricky part as you have to be careful before posting you comments. Be sure to post only relevant comments only. DON"T try to spam otherwise your comments will be deleted without any delay. EDU and GOV domains are quite strict towards spamming. Only leave QUALITY comments related to the post.

Show you respect for blog owner and leave sincere comments. It actually adds value. This is a WIN-WIN situation as you will add contents to their blog and in return you will get a free backlink from a reputed website.

How to Analysis you website for search engine optimization

  1. If Web page has a "0" Google™ PageRank™. PageRank™ denotes a Website's importance in the eyes of Google™.
  2. Fact: If you are not on the first page of search results, over 60% of Internet users will not find you!
  3. If Title Tag contains too many characters for what we consider a "robot friendly" Web page. The maximum number of characters we recommend for this Tag is 60.
  4. Fact: Alll major search engines including Google, Yahoo!, Scrub The Web, MSN Bing and others utilize Meta Tags! Don't take our word for it
  5. If Meta Description Tag contains too many characters for what we consider a "robot friendly" Web page. The maximum number of characters we recommend for this Tag is 150.
  6. Fact: Having search engine friendly Title and Meta Tags is the most basic step toward search engine optimization (SEO)
  7. For The Meta Keywords Tag. Our recommended maximum number of characters for this tag is 874. Although we would never recommend you use this entire allowance because you may then suffer from keyword saturation.
Myth: "Nobody needs search engine optimization."

Truth: More than 80% of Internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Therefore any Website wanting new visitors needs search engine optimization.

Myth: "Submitting to search engines means everyone on the Internet will find you."

Truth: People are not going to find you in search engines just because you submitted to them. If you truly want to capture your fair share and more of search engine traffic, you must optimize your Web pages. SEO plays an important role in your ability to succeed on the Internet.

SOURCE: Venturous Bikers

Suing your parents isn't just for celebrities anymore--a 16-year-old Arkansas boy is suing his mother for hacking into his Facebook account and allegedly posting slanderous remarks.

KATV-TV reports that Denise New of Arkadelphia is facing harassment charges from her 16-year-old. Her son, who lives with his grandmother, also requested a no-contact order. Prior to this issue, New and her son reportedly had a "great relationship," despite their living arrangements.

According to the boy, his mother hacked into his Facebook and email accounts, then changed both passwords. She also allegedly posted remarks that involved slander and information about his personal life.

New admits to changing the passwords, but denies hacking--she claims he left his account logged in on her computer. She also admits to making "maybe three, maybe four actual postings," but says the rest of it was a "conversation" between her, her son, and his friends.

New reportedly "hacked" her son's Facebook account because she was disturbed with the things he was posting--including a post that suggested he had driven home one night at 95 mph because he had been upset with a girl.

New plans on fighting the charges, as she believes she was fully within her legal rights as a parent to monitor her son's online behavior.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to fight it. If I have to go even higher up, I'm going to. I'm not gonna let this rest. I think this could be a precedent-setting moment for parents," she told KATV-TV.

Prosecutors approved the harassment charges on March 26, and New faces a court date of May 12. Prosecutors declined to comment on the case because of the boy's status as a minor, but did make a statement saying that New's alleged statements justified the charge.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Download Free Book on Cyberwar: Concept, Status Quo, and Limitations

Political, economic, and military conflicts are increasingly also being carried out in cyberspace. However, conceptually, the notion of “cyberwar” only includes a narrow sub-section of all conflicts in cyberspace. At the operative level, capabilities for cyberwarfare are becoming increasingly important. Nevertheless, the prospects for strategic IT wars that only take place in the virtual space remain extremely unlikely. For many states, there is a particular need for action in the area of cyberdefence.

© 2010 Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich

Download: English (PDF · 3 pages · 548 KB)
Author: Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Series: CSS Analysis in Security Policy
Issue: 71
Publisher: Center for Security Studies (CSS), Zurich, Switzerland

The FreeMalaysiaToday news website has been the target of a consistent “Distributed Denial of Service or DDOS” attack.

The FreeMalaysiaToday news website has been facing severe technical glitches, leading to a disruption in services.

The fledgling independent news website has been the target of a consistent “Distributed Denial of Service or DDOS” attack.

FMT's head of information technology N Thirun said that measures are being put in place to address this issue.

“It is a very intelligent and planned attack. Previously, they were just teasing us but the situation has now become serious. Yesterday, we came under relentless attack.

“We are currently working around the clock to mitigate the problem and are in the midst of setting up a long-term solution,” he added.

Meanwhile, FMT's managing editor Phlip Rodrigues expresses regret over this unfortunate interruption of service to its readers.

“We hope to solve this problem soon,” he said.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

China-based cyberspy group stole documents from the Indian Defence Ministry and emails from the Dalai Lama’s office

UPDATE: "Chinese hackers have stolen almost a year's worth of the Dalai Lama's personal emails, as well as movements of Nato staff in Afghanistan and details of Indian missile systems, according to a new report."

The cyberspies used popular online services, including Twitter, Google’s Google Groups and Yahoo mail, to access infected computers, ultimately directing them to communicate with command and control servers in China, according to the report, “Shadows in the Cloud”.

“We have no evidence in this report of the involvement of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) or any other government in the Shadow network,” wrote the authors, who are researchers based at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs.

“But an important question to be entertained is whether the PRC will take action to shut the Shadow network down.”

They concluded the network was likely run by individuals with connections to the Chinese criminal underworld, and information might have been passed to branches of the Chinese government.

“I don’t know what evidence these people have, or what their motives are,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said, in response to questions about the report. She added that China could investigate if it were provided with evidence.

“Our policy is very clear. We resolutely oppose all Internet crime, including hacking.”

Stolen documents recovered by the researchers contained sensitive information taken from India’s National Security Council Secretariat, the group said.

They included secret assessments of India’s security situation in its northeastern states bordering Tibet, Bangladesh and Myanmar, as well as insurgencies by Maoists.

Confidential information taken from Indian embassies include assessments of Indian relations with West Africa, Russia, former Soviet republics and the Middle East, it said.

Information supplied by visa-seekers to the Indian embassy in Afghanistan and the Indian and Pakistani embassies in the United States were also compromised, the report said.

“We have heard about the hacking report and the concerned department is looking into the case,” said Sitanshu Kar, spokesman for the Indian Defence Ministry.

SOURCE: Torontosun

Monday, April 5, 2010

China Yahoo Accounts Hacked, Emails Set to Forward

The Yahoo e-mail accounts of China and Taiwan-based journalists and other users have been hacked, apparently from China, in attacks similar to those that prompted Google to exit the country, the Economic Times has reported.

Apparently a number of China-based journalists had found their Yahoo accounts were inaccessible from March 25 with access only restored last Wednesday. Upon re-accessing their accounts however, many had found that their outgoing e-mails were also being secretly set to additionally forward outgoing messages to another, unknown address. This is similar to the circumstances surrounding the hacking of Google’s Gmail accounts.

Yahoo has not yet commented on the intrusions, except to state that it condemns all cyber attacks regardless of origin or purpose. Unlike Google, Yahoo maintains some of its email servers in China and did draw criticism from the U.S. Congress some years ago when it released to Chinese authorities details relating to the Yahoo email account of Chinese journalist Shi Tao.

Shi, who was later sentenced to ten years imprisonment for “illegally providing state secrets to foreign entities,” had sent an email from his Yahoo account to a U.S.-based pro-democracy web site summarizing a government order directing media organizations in China to downplay the then upcoming 15th anniversary of the 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Tiananmen Square. The Chinese authorities used email account holder information supplied by Yahoo to convict Tao in April 2005.

The issue again highlights the difficulties of using e-mails in China and of sensitive content falling into the hands of others.

Popular Ethical Hacking Book 'Live Hacking' Now Available in India at half of the international sales price

Live Hacking: The Ultimate Guide to Hacking Techniques & Countermeasures for Ethical Hackers & IT Security Experts is now available in India from ETA NET Serve Pvt. Ltd at half of the international sales price.

You can download this new Linux distro at Here.

User Name: cd
Password: password
ZIP File MD5 Hash: 289BF449EEEF7EDA3DE35D1A42A8DD65
Note: Please unzip the file and burn the ISO image on a CD.

Dr. Ali Jahangiri, a world-renowned information security expert, is pleased to announce that his popular ethical hacking book 'Live Hacking: The Ultimate Guide to Hacking Techniques & Countermeasures for Ethical Hackers & IT Security Experts' has a new dedicated distributor in India. The book is now available from ETA NET Serve Pvt. Ltd, the publisher of Hakin9 Magazine for India,for only $25 which is half the international sales price.

Live Hacking is a complete guide to the techniques of hacking and is written to instruct and educate IT professionals. It has been a great success via the online store Although ships world wide, it is primarily targeted to the North America market. To make Live Hacking available to a wider audience in India Dr. Ali Jahangiri has partnered with ETA NET Serve Pvt. Ltd and lowered the price.
Dr. Jahangiri's book looks at the principles, theories and practices of hacking and empowers readers to protect themselves from potential threats. The book is truly comprehensive and starts with Basic Hacking Terminology and progresses to look at the different areas of hacking and security including Google Hacking, Password Cracking, Malware and hacking on Wireless Networks.

'India has a vibrant and strong community of IT professionals and network administrators with an interest in information security' said Dr. Jahangiri. 'I am very pleased to be able to offer this new distribution channel there and cut the price.'

The Live Hacking book also has an accompanying website where you can find a sample chapter on Wireless Networking Hacking and other information about the book including the table of contents and index. also contains information about other projects in the 'Live Hacking' brand including details of the Live Hacking Workshops and the Live Hacking Linux distribution.

Dr Jahangiri runs the Live Hacking Workshops internationally to introduce IT professionals to the world of hacking, while the Live Hacking Linux distribution provides the tools needed to perform penetration tests and ethically hack on your own network to ensure that it is secure from outside intruders.

About Dr. Ali Jahangiri
Dr. Ali Jahangiri, Sc.D, LPT, CEH, CHFI, CEI, MCSE:Security and ISO27001 Lead Auditor, is a world-renowned information security expert and author. In addition to Live Hacking he has also written the Computer Network Handbook as well as many other technical papers and training manuals. He has an extensive background in computer science and has worked as an information security auditor, cyber security consultant and technical trainer. He is a Chartered IT Professional member of the British Computer Society, and a professional member of both the IEEE and the Information Systems Audit and Control Association.

You can download this new Linux distro at Here.

User Name: cd
Password: password
ZIP File MD5 Hash: 289BF449EEEF7EDA3DE35D1A42A8DD65
Note: Please unzip the file and burn the ISO image on a CD.

iPad Jailbreak Hacked: Hackers Gained Full Root Code Execution of iPad, Jailbreak is Around Corner! (Video)

Good news for those who are waiting to jailbreak their iPad, MuscleNerd just confirmed that, they successfully ported “Spirit” (iPhone/iPod jailbreak by comex) to iPad. MuscleNerd also posted screenshot of his Mac terminal window for the proof that they accessed the full root code execution has been obtained on the iPad.

About the release we are still doubtful for an imminent release, Dev Tea may wait for iPad 3G or OS 3.2 for iPhone so majority of iPhone/iPod/iPad users can enjoy jailbreaking their respective iDevices. MuscleNerd also posted a video, where he is playing with the iPad from his Mac terminal. Yes guys yes it’s jailbreak, now it’s interesting to see Sauriks Cydia integration to iPad.

To see video visit here
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