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Thursday, July 15, 2010

A new “cyber war” has been declared against Zimbabwe’s beleaguered white farmers

A new “cyber war” has been declared against Zimbabwe’s beleaguered white farmers after hackers attacked and disabled the Commercial Farmers Union (CFU) website this week.

A hacker, calling himself Shadow D3v1L, swooped on the CFU on Monday, shutting down the website which had become a useful communication tool between the union and its members.
“The attack took place on Monday after the hackers managed to get through the union’s computer security system,” a CFU official told The Zimbabwean.

The attack disabled the website, inserting words such as “Sas-Terrorist”, “Jerusalem Hacker” and “Crack-Man” on the home page.

The CFU website had become an important tool through which the union communicates vital information to its members, the majority of whom are fighting President Robert Mugabe’s government in court over his controversial land reform programme.

The union was on Monday frantically trying to restore its website while at the same time ascertaining whether the hackers were operating outside Zimbabwe or within the country.
The attack came as the CFU appeared to be making some headway in its battle to force Mugabe’s Zanu (PF) to agree to pay compensation for farms expropriated since 2000 and to stop its violent campaign to evict remaining white farmers from their properties.

Credit Card Hackers: How to Hack Credit Cards

When you go on vacation, you often want to leave behind any of the usual responsibilities at least for the duration of your vacation, but you may want to make a point of monitoring credit card activity while you’re on the road.

According to a release from, a favorite target of credit card hackers is hotels. It can often take months for these attacks to be discovered by hotels, or by the customers who are preoccupied with their vacation. So, credit card companies are pressuring merchants to adopt security standards and many already do.

Hotel Manager Sam Cannon….

CLICK here to listen

Lowcards says 38-percent of all credit card hacking involved hotels, followed by the service industry and then retail. Hackers often make multiple small purchases to test card vulnerability before making large purchases.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pakistani Hackers Official website pakhaxors Hacked | Indian Hackers vs Pakistani Hackers

Pakistani Hackers Official website Hacked by Indian Hacker Harsh Daftary....Member of Team

Indian Hackers vs Pakistani Hackers

Official website of Pakistani Hackers was Hacked yesterday at night around 11.40 pm. It was Hacked for 20mins & than It was recovered..

Below are the screen shots captured.


USA Website Hacked by Punjabi Hackers: Joined FREEHACKING.NET Team

USA Website ( by Punjabi Hackers. They have recently joined FREEHACKING.NET Team. From now onwards, all website defacements by PUNJABI HACKERS will be published on exclusively.

DO YOU WANT TO LEARN WEBSITE HACKING?? Learn how to hack website. Contact us on

Here are the screen shots for all the pages where we got Admin access. We have not change or deleted any thing.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Afgan Cyber Army Hacked Indian Websites: Pakistan Hackers also on Fire

Afgan Cyber Army Hacked Indian Websites: Pakistan Hackers also on Fire. This cyber war increasing day by day

I am awaiting for Indian Cyber Warrior (ICW). Till the time I have seen only Punjabi Hackers & IGCOE_HACKER to take revenge from Pakistan by defacing their websites.

[NOTE: I REQUEST TO ALL HACKERS...PLS DO NOT PUBLISH ANY ABUSING OR OFFENSIVE STATEMENT / LANGUAGE. HACKING IS AN ART..RESPECT IT. SHOW YOU SKILLS....NOT HOW ABUSING YOU ARE.] - This website has been recovered and working fine now. - This website is still affected. Open and check it yourself. - This website is still affected. Open and check it yourself.

Is PAKBugs Still Alive? WARNING Message to Indian Cyber Army (ICA)

Is PAKBugs Still Alive? WARNING Message to Indian Cyber Army (ICA)

Friends, Cyber War has no END and I realized this. Today morning when I open my Inbox, there was emails from Pakistani Hackers. While I was reading all those emails, I was thinking the year is 2017 and two rival countries - India and Pakistan - are fighting a war. The conflict is not being fought with guns, tanks and aircraft but computers, Website defacement, bots, viruses and Trojans. The soldiers are not troops, but hackers.

Now Is the Time to Prepare for Cyberwar

Some ideas of how a cyber attack could cross the threshold into an act of war. He says these include:
  • Attacks on critical services;
  • The creation of greater uncertainty, such as hacking military systems to give your opponent an advantage;
  • Attacks that have kinetic effects, such as the Aurora test that showed how hacking into the network of an electric power plant can cause physical damage.
As per email received from TriCk lol ()

Indian Cyber Army was last seen defacing 109 Pakistani websites including the official punjab police website in response to this Code5 from udruhack hacked the Indian CID Website. . . .

We told ICA not to deface pakistani websites yet they defaced because of this TeaMp0isoN, Pakhaxors Crew and ZHC joined hands to remove ICA from cyberspace, we successfully defaced 508 indian websites including indias boxoffice site, official brahmos missile website, indian HP helpdesk website and the government of kerela website.

This is just a warning. . . .

Message to FIA & FBI:
Defacing is not a crime, its professional web-design!

Message to ICA:
We were away but we were not dead, we take action when action is needed, we interfere when interference is needed. We don't say what were going to do we do it.

PAKBugs members may be arrested but we are not, we will do what pakbugs was going to do.

- Free PAKBugs Crew! -

We are:
TeaMp0isoN: TriCk aka Saywhat? - Luit - Hex00010 - -Null-
Pakhaxors Crew: Spider - TaZii - root@localhost - DJ.H@xor - Shak - MindFreAk
UrduHack: Code5 - Dr_Trojan - Usman - Badoo - Adil
ZCompany Hacking Crew: Zology -[Xtremist] - Z.Shepar - Mlky

ZombiE_KSA Replies to arrests of innocent PAKBugs members by FIA

Story of PAKBugs and FIA

-PakBuGs it's On Now-

Come and Get me M****r F*****s (FIA).
No One Bring Us Down Except GOD becuase we do believe in GOD and you do not.
FIA you guys are Cheap ... All you can do is arresting Innocent people just to proove your government
that you guys did somthing lOl you guys sounds funny. Still i am chillin outside, No Fear nothing! Fuck you FIA.

Lets Talk Seriously:- Arresting Poor and Innocent People will worth nothing but yes can only save your Ass...
But Remember BiG GunS are Still Outside and thats SHAME for your F*****G FIA Team. U
ou don't even got skills to protect your own ass so forget about tracing me lOl.

On the other hand you (FIA) m****r f****rs are collecting Huge Financial Funds from government for your Department and buying your own condoms from it lOl buying new cars, saving that money is your private banks accounts instead of investing on the Right Path !!! Shit on All of you. you guys are just thiefs. before anyone else Government Should Arrest you M*********s first whom are effecting Pakistan overall globally and economically.

Pakistan Deserves a better class of Department and Management.

InshAllah All the Innocents will be out Soon and this time I will show you something CooL.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Who is IGCOE_HACKER from India ? FreeHacking Team try to Catch this Genius Champ

UPDATED ON 13th July:
  • Clearification: Its IGCOE_HACKER not IGCOE_HACKERS
  • is not their official per the information received
Who is IGCOE_HACKER from India ? FreeHacking Team try to Catch this Genius Champ

Hi Friends, From last few days I have received a lot of emails and comments from IGCOE_HACKER. They are the key guys who has started the Online battle against Pakistan. After defacing the Pakistani Punjab police official website, this battle turned into CYBER WAR. If you check all my previous posts, you will get a clear picture.

Well I am also a hacker and very good in social engineering...ha ha ha..this hacking technique doesn't help me to hack any website, but I used this method along with my decoding skill to catch the guys behind IGCOE_HACKERS group. Below us the output of my analysis.

Students of “INDIRA GANDHI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING” are involved in this.


Their official website is:

If I am not wrong then this is 3 members team. Their names are Sa***, Aks*** & Na***


India VS Pakistan Cyber War: Who Will Win This Online Battle ?

Pakistani Website Hacked by Punjabi Hackers From India. A WARNING MESSAGE for Pakistani Hackers

We have received an email from PUNJABI HACKERS from India regarding the defacement of one Pakistani website. All the screen shots taken from that website has been posted below. According to PUNJABI HACKERS, they have hacked this site only to show PAKI's that this is the battle of knowledge....battle of skill & battle of mind. According to Punjabi Hackers, they don't believe in ABUSING statements.

Below are the screen shots captured. This is the front page of the website.

Below is the page of website edited by the PUNJABI HACKERS

This is the message PUNJABI HACKERS published on the page

HEY................ Oh my GOD.. check the URL BAR... what those guys has done..mentioned my website name. HELL MAN........

Well now I am awaiting the response form PAKI's. What those guys will do after this.....Lets see where this CYBER WAR is going. This is still at very low level. Will it go to higher level also ??


Cyber War has Begun: India VS Pakistan | Its a Technology War

Cyber War has Begun: India VS Pakistan | Its a Technology War
Another Pakistani Gov Website ( has been Hacked by IGCOE_HACKER FROM INDIA!!

Dear Readers, It seems like the cyber war has begun in between India & Pakistan techies. In my personal opinion, its more about EGO war rather than the CYBER WAR.

From my this post, I would like to spread this message that, pls do not put any vulgar or objective statements which hurts every body. HACKING is an ART and pls respect it. I am not saying that stop this website defacement. But mentioning abusing each other is really bad. Hack as many sites as you can, but with the positive intentions only. Show how much talented you are....rather then how much abusive you are.

It doesn't reflect the good side of hackers to rest of the world.

On the very next day, Pakistani hackers hacked 3 of Indian websites. Pakistani Hackers Hacked Indian Websites | Warning for Indian Hackers.

After this, with in 2 hours the Indian Hackers hacked below website. All screen shots has been posted below. What are your views readers on this ??? I am awaiting.

Pakistani Hackers Hacked Indian Websites | Warning for Indian Hackers

Pakistani Hackers Hacked Indian Websites | Warning for Indian Hackers

Check this out , pakhaxors b0i <=Shak=> respond to that attack by Indian Hacker IGCOE_HACKER to Pakistani Websites




Below are the screen shots taken by us.

Pakistan National Computing Education Accereditation Council (NCEAC) Website HACKED


Pakistani National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) official Website ( Hacked by Techkranti Guys

The first step which Techkranti guys have taken is to inform the authorities of this website: Below is the screen shots of their official email IDs and my email, which they sent to them.

DO YOU WANT TO LEARN WEBSITE HACKING?? Learn how to hack website. Contact us on

Now lets begin step by to hack websites using SQL Injection Vulnerability. Note that this is for educational purpose and if anybody use this to hack any website, I promise not to prosecute. In many countries it is illegal to use this attack. Here I am not going to share the exact method I have followed.

DO YOU WANT TO LEARN WEBSITE HACKING?? Learn how to hack website. Contact us on

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