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Thursday, July 22, 2010

ClimateGate – Hackers Reveal Global Warming Fraud

ClimateGate – Hackers or an insider leak emails and reveal global warming fraud – on November 19th 2009, it became official, that computer hackers or an insider had broke into a server at a well-respected climate change research center in Britain, and made 61 MB of emails and documents, apparently originating from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, available on the internet for everyone to see.

This incident is now known as “ClimateGate”… Alleged CRU Emails – Searchable: Index of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) files: In one leaked e-mail, the research center’s director, Phil Jones, writes to colleagues about graphs showing climate statistics over the last millennium. He alludes to a technique used by a fellow scientist to “hide the decline” in recent global temperatures.

Phil Jones relinquished his position as director of Climatic Research Unit December 1st 2009, until the completion of an independent review: The furor over the leaked data comes weeks before the united nations climate conference in Denmark, Copenhagen, when 192 nations will seek to reach a binding treaty to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases and the result will be a global carbon tax, a tax on a lifegiving ecosystem component, and the hole thing is caused by a lie about global warming… Global Climate Scam (sign petition): Hackers leak e-mails …

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