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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Four arrested for hacking

POLICE yesterday arrested four people, one of whom is an employee of the telecommunications authority CyTA, in connection with hacking into the server of a company and stealing the personal data of its clients.

Police said they arrested two women and two men from Nicosia, aged between 26 and 47 in connection with hacking into a company’s servers between 2007 and 2010.

The company director reported to police that unknown individuals had been hacking into the company’s main server and obtaining his clients’ personal data that were kept legally in a specific archive.

The intervention was spotted last month after many clients complained to the company that they have received a large number of unwanted advertising material on their mobile phones, which had not been sent by his company.

Police spokesman Michalis Katsounotos said the company discovered that a specific webpage was linked to their webpage on the internet, enabling the hackers to access the central server and obtain the data.

Police have also seized seven computers and other peripherals, which will processed.

The four suspects are expected to be brought before the Nicosia district court today.

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